By , October 16, 2015.

Oops, DNS blocking did not break the Internet — “[O]pponents of stronger digital copyright enforcement have staked their reputations on predictions that have clearly not come true. Policymakers, therefore, should not accept the falsehood that blocking a website or taking other actions to shut down infringing sites equates to an assault on the security and reliability of the Internet as a whole. Instead, they should recognize that selective targeting of websites dedicated to infringement is an effective strategy to combat piracy.”

Think tank: Take Copyright Office out of Library of Congress — “In a report, the think tank called for lawmakers to remove the Copyright Office from the Library of Congress — where it is one of a mere handful of agencies in the legislative branch. The report outlines constitutional arguments for a restructuring while underscoring ongoing problems with the office’s dated information technology systems as another driver. The Copyright Office currently falls under the umbrella of the Library of Congress, upon which it must depend for its IT — as well as for human resources, budget requests and other functions.”

Bear McCreary on The Walking Dead Season 6 — The composer of the AMC series discusses scoring the latest season, which premiered this past Sunday. “The creative model for this series has been to reinvent itself every eight episodes, with each run taking on a unique tone, and following our characters on a specific arc. Of course there are larger macro narrative arcs that span the entire series as well. This richly layered drama creates a unique challenge for me as a composer. With each season I strive to integrate elements from my previous seasons’ work into new themes, sounds and styles. My task is always to tell the immediate story at hand, but to also help thread the entire series together, to remind viewers they are taking part in a story that goes all the way back to the first episode.”

RIAA Obtains Restraining Order Against Aurous — On Saturday, the developer of Aurous publicly launched the unlicensed music service. On Tuesday, the major labels sued the developers. And yesterday, the Florida court granted a temporary restraining order against operation of the site, with a hearing on a motion for preliminary injunction scheduled for October 28.

The magic depends on us all, creators and audiences alike — “Art cannot be created on an automated assembly line. It is not a matter of plugging some numbers into a spreadsheet. The people in front of the camera and behind it – who write, light, film, act, cater, edit, costume, and create scenery – are the lifeblood of the business. We are the workers who craft these productions… And we, the behind-the-scenes magicians, are dependent on so many others to keep those opportunities flowing. We are dependent not only on the studios and networks but also on the audience who come to our movies or watch our TV shows on any number of screens and platforms. And we too are affected by the rampant theft of our work. When someone accesses our movies or shows on a pirate site, they steal our ability to make a living.”