Judge Restricts Sharing of Fox News Clips Through Email and Social Media — Following an extraordinarily broad fair use decision last year and a second, narrower fair use decision last summer, Judge Hellerstein this week ordered a somewhat surprisingly broad permanent injunction against news clipping service TVEyes, which had been sued by Fox News for copyright infringement. The injunction prohibits: “Enabling users to download to their own computers video clips of content telecast on the Fox News Channel or Fox Business Network. Enabling users to view FNC or FBN content by searching by date, time and channel. Enabling users from sharing video clips of FNC or FBN content on social media websites rather than by personally directed emails, with further limitations.”
FilmOn Can’t Use Compulsory Copyright License, Judge Says — The Aereo clone won a victory in a California court last July when a judge ruled that it could qualify for a cable compulsory license under the Copyright Act. But this week, in parallel litigation, a DC court judge ruled the opposite. The sealed ruling sets up a potential circuit split on the interpretation of 17 USC § 111.
Music piracy, copyrights and royalties in Ivory Coast — Music Africa reports: “Piracy does not only stifle distribution houses and producers. The entire chain of the music industry is affected. Recording studios no longer generate income, since there are very few albums produced. Musicians are given no contracts to sign. Graphic designers who make the covers of CDs and especially the Ivorian Office for Copyright (BURIDA) are all experiencing the downfall. Since 2006, for example, according to BURIDA figures, the number of musical registrations fell from 870 000 to 320 000.”
Google-chaired think tank says Google’s No.1 for digital rights — Orlowski: “Just fancy that! A Washington think tank chaired by Eric Schmidt, Alphabet Inc’s executive chairman, has given Alphabet Inc. an award for ‘protecting your digital rights’.”