The tech of ‘Terminator 2’ – an oral history — A thorough story of the groundbreaking work done on the 1991 film. The FX team didn’t just create the memorable shots, they had to develop the tools to create those shots. “On my first day at work, I came in the door, they sat me down, and they showed me the storyboards, and they went through this binder. And I’d point to a page and say, ‘Oh, well that looks interesting. How are you going to do that?’ And they’re like, ‘Oh, we don’t know yet.’”
Appeals Court Rejects VidAngel’s Bid to Overturn Injunction — The Ninth Circuit delivered a solid win to copyright owners in another case involving a “Rube Goldberg-like contrivance” hoping a laundry list of cute legal theories could allow it to provide on-demand streaming of film and television episodes without authorization.
Appeals Court Grapples With Digital Files, and the Business of Selling “Used” Songs — On the other side of the coast from the Ninth Circuit, the Second Circuit heard oral arguments in Capitol Records v Redigi, on appeal to consider whether copyright law permits a service to operate an online marketplace where digital files of copyrighted works can be “resold” via digital transmission.
Dubset makes Sony the first major label legalized for remixing — A very interesting development: Dubset has secured a licensing deal with one of the three major labels to allow it to provide user-uploaded unofficial remixes and DJ mixes incorporating Sony recordings on its site. Dubset’s technology allows it to automatically recognize those recordings, much like YouTube’s Content ID.