Why Do Employers Lowball Creatives? A New Study Has Answers — Interesting research that could shed light on related discussions in the copyright realm regarding skepticism toward copyright’s incentives.
Time Inc. Settles with Photographer in Case of Tweeted Tom Brady Pic — And so the “server test” is put to (em)bed before the Second Circuit had the opportunity to be the first appellate court outside the Ninth to consider it.
‘Sample Clearance Queen’ Deborah Mannis-Gardner on Keeping Prices Low, Deals Fair — A thorough profile of Mannis-Gardner, who has been clearing samples since the early 90s. “‘For me, it’s all about the fairest deal, not the lowest, so everyone is taken care of,'” says Mannis-Gardner, who won a Guild of Music Supervisors Award in 2018 for her work on Grammy-winning HBO documentary The Defiant Ones.”
Google and Oracle’s $9 Billion ‘Copyright Case of the Decade’ Could be Headed for the Supreme Court — “Oracle claims that, if not for Android, Oracle’s own Java software could have become a major smartphone platform. (Although Java was written by Sun Microsystems, Oracle acquired Sun in 2010, shortly before bringing this suit.) Oracle’s lawyers mock the notion that the rulings in its favor will spawn any dire consequences. Despite Google’s ‘sky-is-falling’ arguments, they write, the software industry did not crash in the wake of May 2014 or March 2018, when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issued the two key rulings that Google seeks to reverse.”
Relist Watch — SCOTUSblog notes of yesterday’s conference, “Now we really have to speed up, because we have six new relists this week. Allen v. Cooper, 18-877, involves whether Congress has the constitutional authority to abrogate state sovereign immunity for copyright infringement. That issue comes up more often than you’d think.” Orders from the conference will be published this Monday morning.