CASE Act Ready for Full Vote in Congress; Law Would Ease Financial Burden of Fighting Copyright Theft — The big news this week is that HR 2426, which would create a copyright small claims tribunal to help creators settle disputes easily and cheaply, sailed through the House Judiciary Committee. Earlier this summer it had done the same in the Senate Judiciary.
Publishers v Audible: VCRs and DVRs to the Rescue? — Devlin Hartline examines the complaint by publishers against Audible over a feature that automatically converts the licensed audio of an audiobook into unlicensed text, particularly how the direct infringement claim pans out. Also check out Kevin Madigan’s companion piece on how a potential fair use defense would hold up.
CJEU rules that only requirement for copyright protection of designs is their originality — Eleonora Rosati reports on this week’s CJEU decision in Cofemel, regarding the standard of copyright protection for designs. Shades of the 2017 US decision in Star Athletica v Varsity Brands.
Nintendo Wins Blocking Injunction Against Four Piracy-Enabling Sites — “Justice Arnold said that in his opinion it is ‘beyond dispute’ that the sites use Nintendo’s marks in order to promote circumvention devices. He also agreed that the devices were made available to the public on the basis they would be used to provide access to infringing content, since they all mention piracy in promotional material.”
ASCAP & BMI Consent Decrees Review Expected to Conclude This Year While Both Sides Argue Worst-Case Scenarios — Finally, just yesterday public comments in the DOJ’s review of the ASCAP and BMI consent decrees were made public. Read all 877 yourself, or check out this overview from Billboard.