Internet Archive Answers Publishers’ Copyright Lawsuit — The nonprofit filed its response to a complaint alleging that its reproduction and distribution of copyrighted books is not infringing. Andrew Albanese of Publishers Weekly reports, “‘The Internet Archive does what libraries have always done: buy, collect, preserve, and share our common culture,’ reads the IA’s preliminary statement to its answer, contending that its collection of roughly 1.3 million scans of mostly 20th century books, many of which are out of print, is a good faith and legal effort to ‘mirror traditional library lending online’ via a process called Controlled Digital Lending (CDL).”
What’s Fair? Senate IP Subcommittee Contemplates Problems with Copyright Fair Use Regime — This week, the US Senate IP Subcommittee held a hearing to explore the intersection of the DMCA safe harbors and notice-and-takedown system with fair use. IPWatchdog recaps the discussion.
The AG Opinion in YouTube/Cyando: a regressive interpretation of the right of communication to the public — Eleonara Rosati analyzes the recent Advocate General opinion in a case involving copyright and user-uploaded content currently in front of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Music Consent Decrees Give Unfair Boost to Tech Giants, DOJ Told — “The DOJ’s antitrust division Tuesday brought together Rimes and the heads of the nation’s top music publishing rights organizations to discuss whether the government should consider undoing nearly 80-year-old consent decrees with the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI). The decrees require them to license music to public venues on equal terms, set by a federal court.”
Blocking Piracy Websites — Analysis of a recent Canadian decision where “the Federal Court granted an injunction, demanding various ISPs (Internet Service Providers) in Canada block access to pirate subscription sites that stream the content of the plaintiffs – Bell Media Inc, Group TVA Inc and Rogers Media Inc.”